
5 Positive Things To Do This Week #22

Simple Things Magazine

  • Listen to this song.
  • Go to your local playground, preferably when no one is around, and play. My best memories are of my sister and I as children (and adults) laughing our heads off on the swings.
  • Visit your grandparents. I miss my Nanna, her chats and endless supply of biscuits.
  • Make yourself a happy commute compilation to cheer up those journeys to the office and back.
  • Read the The Simple Things magazine, if only to remind yourself, Spring is here!

Brew up and see my previous 5 Positive Things posts here



  • April

    Those are some truly lovely tips. I love going to playgrounds and swinging on the swings and going down the slides! I feel a bit weird though when there are other children around haha…

    I miss my nana very much – she has just disembarked on another round-Australia trip and although her photos are absolutely lovely, I wish she was right here with me baking something delicious and letting me eat the bowl!

    And lucky you guys coming into Spring, just started heading into Autumn here 🙁 I hate the middle of the year! Feels so long and bleak cos its so cold…(though I’m sure not as cold as where you are!)

  • kate

    I always look forward to these little posts. A particularly good one this week. Here comes the sun = instant happiness. The Simple Things is my favourite magazine!



  • little macaroon

    1. my fave is the cover by Travis – have you heard? Pretty
    2. going out on the swing in the back garden this morning while my daughter’s at school. good idea, nothing quite fills your lungs like a swing.
    3. can’t this week, but resolve to make the journey soon.
    4. yay – don’t commute anymore – happy days 🙂
    5. got my subscription copy last weekend – delicious!

  • Lisa-Marie

    I will do ALL of these things (the grandparents I visit will be Dave’s technically, but mine by law).

    My five things are

    1. Go outside and walk, whatever the weather.
    2. Get some new tea as a treat.
    3. Clear at least one clutter corner (I did one today, will do another).
    4. Plant herbs.
    5. Start a new book.

  • Siobhan

    I miss the swings. Will need to head down soon. I’m listening to the song and have my happy commute compilation. I’ll also light a candle for my grandparents and try to cherish the time I have left with my parents. Thank you x

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