
Good Vibes Only: Yorkshire Three Peaks 

I’m stopping by briefly today to say a big thank you to those who supported and sponsored us for the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge. We did it! It was one of the best (and worst) experiences of my life, and I’m so happy that we beat our target of raising £500 for Alzheimer’s Society; cash and online donations are still coming in! If you’d like to donate you still can here. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I’ll chat more about the adventure soon, as I’d love to give some insight from someone who has never done that type of trekking before. But for now I’m having a blogging break (which sounds silly to blog about having a break!).

I’ve been blogging now for 7 years this month and lately I’ve been struggling to find my place in the big blogging world. I’m not disappearing for good, I’m simply taking stock and working on the direction of the blog. No biggie! This might take a week, or it might take a month but know I’m beavering away trying to figure it all out. 

Yorkshire Three Peaks ChallengeYorkshire Three Peaks Challenge

See you on the flip side!

P.S You can still catch me over on Instagram and Twitter, say hello if you’re over there too!


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