
5 Positive Things To Do This Week #137

positive things to do

1. Clean your hairbrush

2. Sell any unwanted wedding outfits you never wear on eBay. Wedding season is here and people need dresses!

3. Make your own salad dressings ready for the summer. My fave homemade dressing (for one salad) is 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon lemon zest and a pinch of salt & pepper. Yum!

4. Plan a trip to a local Lido

5. Have a night listening to old records, reading books and drinking wine

Brew up and see more 5 Positive Things To Do This Week posts here.

P.S Care to share my new hashtag #sharethepositive on your happy and positive pics on Instagram? Share the good things that have put a smile on your face and focus on the happy. I’ll share my favourite positive moments and photographs from anyone who plays along, on Instagram and the blog. Happy tagging!

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